Sunday, August 30, 2009

It is airy, but it is up!

On my time off I framed the first two walls and put one up. Then I went to work and came home to four walls and a roof framed. My dad and uncle were busy. Then they framed up the loft today. Yay for progress. I just need to frame a couple more windows and then it is ready to be sheathed. Also, kudos to my sister who made me this fashionable work belt.


Unknown said...

You go, woman! You are amazing. I love this idea, and that you're actioning it! If you were closer to Austin I'd send you to the Re-store! They have everything- but perhaps there's one in your hood. Can't wait to see the final product. Cheers to you.

Marcel L said...

Congratulations! You are making progress. I too can’t wait to see the finished home. Keep up the good work!